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To plan or not to plan

Planning something for the future, be it a trip, a voyage or even a simple dinner date after a week or more, is something I have never been able to come to terms with. According to me, you cannot plan the future and expect things to happen a month from now, the way you designed it to.

Call me negative if you wish, but I believe life is unpredictable and we should live in the moment and grab at happiness while we can. Yet, mere mortal that I am, I can’t help dreaming of cruises, experiencing different cultures in various places all over the world for at least six months or working with Canadian interior designer Brian Gluckstein!

But, as I grow older, I realise that I’ll never achieve any of my goals if I don’t plan – after all, if I want to go on a cruise or travel to places, I need to plan at least a few months in advance and hope for the best. If I wish to achieve certain goals, some effort has to be put into it and the better prepared I am, the more chances that my plans could succeed.

Expectations play a big role when we are chalking out future plans. We either expect that things will work the way we plan because Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, tells us, “I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life,” or we can adapt to our circumstances and embrace the limitations.

© Parizad Trikannad

Photos Credits: (left to right) krakenimages, Alonso Reyes and Rolands Varsbergs on Unsplash


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